“Sexual energy…is more a function of health than age.”

Archive for intimacy – Page 5

Going Out without A Kiss

Sexy Grandpa and I have rules. Well, they’re not really rules. They’re more like unwritten understandings. For example, we never (and that’s the truth) get into bed without each other. If I’m tired, I may stretch the time and the reverse is true. Bottom line, we go bed, together. Another understanding, affection is a key component to our closeness. We greet with a hug; we take time for hugs during the day/evening. This small gesture is warm, reassuring and ultimately gives Sexy Grandpa what he wants when he shows nurturing toward me. (a.k.a., benefits)

So, you’re thinking, what does this have to do with ‘Going Out without A Kiss’? Not long ago, I was out from 7:45 am (pool aerobics), followed by a meeting and luncheon and finally raced home at 2 pm to spend ½ hour with my husband before a doctor’s appointment at 3:30 pm. I chose to set aside time with Sexy Grandpa rather than go directly on my way. Well, when I got home, he was on the phone – yelled out “Hi” and continued his conversation. I couldn’t believe it. Gone for 6 hours, I surely expected spending time with me instead of on the phone would be HIS priority. WRONG! I kept busy. I read the mail. I checked for online messages, changed my clothes, grabbed my cell phone and keys and yelled out “See you later.” “Okay” was his response. That’s it.

I really felt the emotion of it all when I got in my car and started on my way. ‘That’s it’, I thought. A call with a friend became more important than me! What happened to hugs, affection and happy to see one another after almost a day apart? While, I knew better than to focus on this one, isolated incident, I simply couldn’t shake off my disappointment and resentment. I made a decision. This would be the first conversation when I arrived home! Clear the air. Share my feelings. Offer forgiveness and move on. Guess what happened? Soon after I left, Sexy Grandpa knew exactly what had happened, felt horrible and proceeded, unsuccessfully, to catch up with me. When I returned home, just as I was getting started with my rehearsed communication, he said, “Please forgive me. I can’t believe I got so caught up with my friend that I neglected you.” He told me he tried to catch me before I got to the elevator….I was already on my way. Can you imagine, we BOTH felt terrible. We BOTH recognized how we short changed one another by not taking time to BE with one another. Hence, going out without a kiss is not going to happen again. At least that’s our plan. Stay tuned. We’re counting on you to keep us young at heart.

~Sassy Grandma

Making Progress

When I wrote my very first Grandpa Does Grandma blog, Sexy Grandpa was watching football (typical Sunday activity) and not aware of what I was up to. Feeling very enthusiastic and proud of myself, I was eager to share my thoughts with him and waited patiently for the game to be over. Well, it sort of went ok and honestly, not what I expected. I read him my Getting Started post and the first thing he said, “Boy, do I feel pressured.” What? I had to quickly remind him this whole journey was HIS idea. The last thing I want from this unfolding adventure is competition or pressure. I guess once Sexy Grandpa wrote his book, he thought the task of writing and marketing was over. Now that we’ve committed to share more of us with all of you, this is about ‘let the writing begin’. Gently, I reminded my loving husband that this whole process – learning, writing and sharing was a commitment we both agreed to carry out. I also mentioned that benefits were definitely contingent on his engagement. Guess what? When Sexy Grandpa heard the word ‘benefits’, his entire attitude changed! In our relationship, benefits often surfaces as the #1 way to get my guy to get going and to agree to do what needs to be done. Hey, it that what it takes, I’m all in (figuratively and literally).

So, we are slowly making progress. We’re about to do our first video – the two of us having a Saturday night date/reception evening in celebration of my contributing The Foreword to a newly released book, The Voice That Changed Everything. While we often prefer to stay home on Saturday evening, cuddle up to watch a movie, make popcorn and express gratitude at being together, it’s a treat to get all dressed up to have somewhere special to go. Sexy Grandpa and I are having fun so far (in spite of a few glitches) and hope you are as well by connecting with us. As always, stay tuned. We’re counting on you to keep us young at heart.

~Sassy Grandma

Living Life in Reverse

My marketing team is telling me that I have to blog on a regular basis. I’m not regular in anything I do but I am, without a doubt, eager and willing to learn.

It’s seems like my life is going in reverse. I believed as I got older I would happily become content to be a member of the “V” Generation. You know, Vitamins, Viagra and Vibrators. Frankly, I am enjoying that life. I’m well into vitamins and a little technology to help the sex life move forward is not a bad thing. Viagra…well I can’t speak to that since Grandpa hasn’t had the need to experiment with that particular drug as of this date.

Until now, my entire being has been concentrated on keeping Sassy Grandma satisfied in the bedroom. Well, while that’s still a priority, I’m sad to say that now my life is being consumed with Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Google and most recently Periscope.

Learning new technology at my age is a somewhat daunting task. But, as in everything I do, I’m up to the challenge.

Stay in Touch…Sexy Grandpa.