“Sexual energy…is more a function of health than age.”

Archive for divorce – Page 5

Living Life in Reverse

My marketing team is telling me that I have to blog on a regular basis. I’m not regular in anything I do but I am, without a doubt, eager and willing to learn.

It’s seems like my life is going in reverse. I believed as I got older I would happily become content to be a member of the “V” Generation. You know, Vitamins, Viagra and Vibrators. Frankly, I am enjoying that life. I’m well into vitamins and a little technology to help the sex life move forward is not a bad thing. Viagra…well I can’t speak to that since Grandpa hasn’t had the need to experiment with that particular drug as of this date.

Until now, my entire being has been concentrated on keeping Sassy Grandma satisfied in the bedroom. Well, while that’s still a priority, I’m sad to say that now my life is being consumed with Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Google and most recently Periscope.

Learning new technology at my age is a somewhat daunting task. But, as in everything I do, I’m up to the challenge.

Stay in Touch…Sexy Grandpa.