“Sexual energy…is more a function of health than age.”

Archive for commitment – Page 4

Keeping Up with Technology

As I write this blog, I’m realizing just how out of touch with technology I am. Admittedly, I continue to struggle with You Tube and Twitter. I spend hours watching YOU TUBE Videos and now, to my surprise, Sexy Grandpa has his own YOU TUBE Channel. I’ll share more about that at a later time.

I’m trying my best to figure out Twitter with its hash tags and it’s limitation of 140 characters. While I continue to work on it I find it extremely difficult to say anything in 140 characters. After all, I’m an author of several books and I need to express myself fully.

Now, let me talk about Periscope. I realize that Periscope has many merits, most of which I am sure I have yet to discover. Yep! I downloaded it to my iPhone 6s (at least I have the latest iPhone) and for the last several days I’ve been staring at the app because I can’t even figure out how to reverse the screen.

I have a lot to say but I’m not sure how to publish it and then turn the video off. Hopefully, by the time you read this blog, I’ll be closer to resolving my own limitations. Of course, then there’s the Selfie Stick; technology at its best. I’m saving my comments on “the stick” for later.

Stay in Touch…

Sexy Grandpa


Just Asking

Sexy Grandpa got challenged to write: Grandpa Does Grandma: The ABCs of Senior Sex. A young woman was curious and asked him if ‘the older generation’ still has sex! Can you imagine? First, her having the nerve to even ask the question and second, the nerve of my husband to decide to write a non-fiction book about it! Well, we really thought ‘the book!’ would mostly appeal to our generation. Wow, were we mistaken. As we shared the story, it was actually our children’s age group that found us, the book and subject very enlightening! Without patting ourselves on the back, it seems, and without that intention at all, we are setting an example with all age groups of what’s possible when love, intimacy and commitment continue well into the latter years of life. So, we’re just thrilled that our readers span a wide age group.

What does this have to do with the title of my blog: Just Asking? For me to enlighten our followers, to engage you to expand your thinking by being open minded, I want to be sure that my thoughts, ideas and insight are resonating with you! Are you enjoying what I share? Are you letting others in on our secrets? Are you following along? Have you visited our website: www.GrandpaDoesGrandma.com and downloaded Sexy Grandpa’s PDF on the Myths of Senior Sex? We want everyone, everywhere to know that we are committed to enhance your life by engaging in lifetime intimacy with the person you love. Please post comments. Please send our ideas along to your contacts. Stay tuned. We’re counting on you to keep us young at heart! Sassy Grandma



Going Out without A Kiss

Sexy Grandpa and I have rules. Well, they’re not really rules. They’re more like unwritten understandings. For example, we never (and that’s the truth) get into bed without each other. If I’m tired, I may stretch the time and the reverse is true. Bottom line, we go bed, together. Another understanding, affection is a key component to our closeness. We greet with a hug; we take time for hugs during the day/evening. This small gesture is warm, reassuring and ultimately gives Sexy Grandpa what he wants when he shows nurturing toward me. (a.k.a., benefits)

So, you’re thinking, what does this have to do with ‘Going Out without A Kiss’? Not long ago, I was out from 7:45 am (pool aerobics), followed by a meeting and luncheon and finally raced home at 2 pm to spend ½ hour with my husband before a doctor’s appointment at 3:30 pm. I chose to set aside time with Sexy Grandpa rather than go directly on my way. Well, when I got home, he was on the phone – yelled out “Hi” and continued his conversation. I couldn’t believe it. Gone for 6 hours, I surely expected spending time with me instead of on the phone would be HIS priority. WRONG! I kept busy. I read the mail. I checked for online messages, changed my clothes, grabbed my cell phone and keys and yelled out “See you later.” “Okay” was his response. That’s it.

I really felt the emotion of it all when I got in my car and started on my way. ‘That’s it’, I thought. A call with a friend became more important than me! What happened to hugs, affection and happy to see one another after almost a day apart? While, I knew better than to focus on this one, isolated incident, I simply couldn’t shake off my disappointment and resentment. I made a decision. This would be the first conversation when I arrived home! Clear the air. Share my feelings. Offer forgiveness and move on. Guess what happened? Soon after I left, Sexy Grandpa knew exactly what had happened, felt horrible and proceeded, unsuccessfully, to catch up with me. When I returned home, just as I was getting started with my rehearsed communication, he said, “Please forgive me. I can’t believe I got so caught up with my friend that I neglected you.” He told me he tried to catch me before I got to the elevator….I was already on my way. Can you imagine, we BOTH felt terrible. We BOTH recognized how we short changed one another by not taking time to BE with one another. Hence, going out without a kiss is not going to happen again. At least that’s our plan. Stay tuned. We’re counting on you to keep us young at heart.

~Sassy Grandma